Grantsville, UT Area Cold Cases

Esther Rodriguez-RojasAge
Cause of Death
On 06/07/2022 esther was reported missing out of west valley city. Esther did not leave on suspicious circumstances and is believed to be with a boyfriend. Esther has ran away multiple times prior to this last time. All communications have been lost with esther at this time. No known social media accounts have been discovered as of this writing.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Frank VeruchhiAge
Cause of Death
Draper police are asking for help in locating missing person, frank veruchhi. Frank has not been heard from since april 17, 2016. He lives in suncrest and likes to hike tin that area. Franks vehicle and id were left at his house. Contact draper police if you have any information.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Ryan JensenAge
34Cause of Death
Ryan, also known as ry, last had phone contact with a relative while at his residence in the vicinity of the 800 block of e. Tanglewood in erda utah. He did not show up for work which is unlike him and missed an appointment on march 14, 2007.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Sebryna SavasAge
16Cause of Death
Sebryna was last seen at her home located at 4440 w. Trinity avenue on 12/13/2021. Sebryna was observed voluntarily getting into the passenger seat of a red sedan. No contact has been made with sebryna as of yet. Sebryna is not believed to be in danger and was believed to be with family members in the rock springs idaho area but it has not been confirmed.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Susan PowellAge
Cause of Death
Susan powell went missing on 12/7/2009. It is suspected her husband, josh powell had information about where and how she went missing. After an extensive search and investigation, police still not been able to locate susan. Josh powell committed suicide and never spoke with police to provide additional information.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Vern MorrisAge
Cause of Death
6/25/2021 vern richard morris walked away from his residence during the early morning hours and has not been seen since that time.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Cody DodgeAge
27Cause of Death
Cody dodge was found deceased at his residence by roommate on 9/22/2007. Cody had shot by an unknown assailant. Little information is known about who may have done this. There was no forced entry into the home, likely suggesting the suspect was known to cody.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Jason RoyterAge
41Cause of Death
The body of jason royter, 33, was found in his house, 7383 w. Paine road (3745 south) on august 6, 2012. His body was discovered by his live-in girlfriend tammy martinez who came home about 1:30 a.M. When officers arrived they saw signs of a struggle in the home. There were no signs of forced entry, so royter may have let the suspect in before the altercation. He received multiple stab wounds and bled to death.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Javier MedinaAge
20Cause of Death
Javier medina was shot and killed on bendixon drive in west valley on 12/12/2016. He was working on a vehicle with a female associate when one or two men pulled up and began shooting at him. Javier was struck multiple times and the female associate was struck twice. Javier would intimately die from his wounds and the female survived. Little is known about the suspect or suspects in this case and the case is currently being investigated. Anyone with information on this case is encouraged to come forward and contact police.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Jose MoralesAge
21Cause of Death
On november 14, 2003 , jose morales was shot and killed outside of the crossroads apartments, located at 2240 w 3800 s in west valley cityAgency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Jose VenegasAge
35Cause of Death
Jose luis venegas was shot and killed in his driveway, next to his car at 3261 west brookway drive, west valley city. An unknown male approached him and shot him. The male ran from the scene and possibly entered a white pick up truck. No one was ever located in the area. Jose would be flown to a regional hospital and succumb to his woulds. There is very little information on a possible suspect. Anyone with information is encouraged to reach out to police.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Linda MartinAge
Cause of Death
Linda martin was found by hunters on december 2, 1989, she was partially buried laying beneath a juniper tree in the area of erickson pass road. Linda was shot to death, she was originally from whitefish montana and lived in west valley city. Linda was wearing a purple leather suede coat and blue and white striped pants.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Lisa RedmondAge
36Cause of Death
Lisa redmond was a pizza hut delivery driver in 1996. On 12/9/1996 she was found deceased on the side of the road at approximately 5200 w 3100 s. She was wearing her pizza hut uniform and when the business was contacted they confirmed that she was one of their drivers that had not returned from her deliveries. Further investigation showed that lisa was in a struggle with someone inside her truck, cut possibly with a knife and ultimately ran over by her own vehicle. Lisa’s truck was found in the following days and the suspect was never located. We are looking for anyone that may have knowledge of this case to help out.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Ronald MaurathAge
23Cause of Death
Ronald, age 23, was last seen at the deseret lounge at 323 s. Main st. When the bar closed in the early morning hours of may 7, 1983. He was leaving with one or two other males and two females. His nude body was found later that afternoon by workers along the side of the road in the area of 11500 west 2100 south near the garfield cutoff road north of the kennecott copper refinery. He had been stabbed and died as a result of the wounds.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Sheree AllenAge
23Cause of Death
Sheree allen’s body was discovered in a dumpster in west valley city wrapped in a black garbage bags on 1/24/2005. She was strangled and left until found by employees the next day. Sheree was a drug addict and known prostitute, last seen alive by her supposed pimp, carl “big smooth” swanigan. Carl provided an initial statement but refused to cooperate in following years. Carl died in 2014. Any information would be helpful.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Yojaira ChunAge
17Cause of Death
On march 24, 2022, yojaira perez chun (dob 10/23/2005) was reported as a runaway with the west valley city police department. Yojaira is from guatemala and came to the states to live with a distant family member. Yojaira was only in the united states for approximately one week before leaving her living arrangements and blocking her distant family member on all social media and her phone. Yojaira was reported to have run away with a potential cousin, mario. Mario has not been confirmed as a cousin. Mario was contacted and became immediately defensive saying “I did not kidnap her”. This statement is very suspicious in nature and gives some concerns about yojaira’s safety. Yojaira has not been located or heard from since the reported incident. It is possible yojaira may have been spotted in minnesota with a boyfriend or an unknown male. Yojaira has a young daughter (approximately 2-3 yrs old) as well. If you have any information on the whereabouts of yojaira, please contact detective garlick.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Alejandro ReyesAge
26Cause of Death
The victims body was found by a hunter approximately 3.7 miles up butterfield canyon. The victim was reported missing on october 5, 2016 by some of his family members.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Fernando ArandaAge
16Cause of Death
Fernado aranda was shot and killed on 5/30/2017 in the middle of the street where he resided at thayn drive, west valley city. Ferndao was in a brief altercation with at least two males in which the males would pull guns, shoot and kill fernando. There is very little information of who the suspects may be. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact police.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Fred LitiAge
Cause of Death
Liti was home in his kitchen when he was shot by an unknown person from outside the residence. Liti was transported from the scene to the hospital where he would succumb to his wounds. Many leads have been followed up on but nothing has pointed in the direction of who may have pulled the trigger.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Jimmy WaltersAge
Cause of Death
On 10/18/1980 jimmy walters body was found in a field across from the west valley city pd highly decomposed. The medical examiner office ruled it as a homicide due to cut marks on shirt. No direct evidence or injury found on body due to decomposition . Witness came forward with a suspect in 1997. The case was screened and declined, not enough evidence. Suspect died in 2012 in georgia.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Ngor NgorAge
23Cause of Death
Ngor ngor ngor was assaulted on 5/29/2010 which ultimately led to his death. There is little information known about the suspects in this case, but it is believed the person or persons responsible were known associates of ngor. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact police.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Angelina TomasAge
Cause of Death
Angelina left home after her parents were deported. She was last known to be living in oregon with family. Reports suggest she is doing well but there has been no contact with her to verify this information.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Eva Rodriguez-FloresAge
17Cause of Death
Eva was last seen on 07/16/2022 in west valley city, ut. Eva’s mother and sister live in honduras, and frequently text and speak with her. Eva took money and left a note stating that she was going to honduras.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety