Fountain Green, UT Area Cold Cases

Doug NelsonAge
69Cause of Death
5/5/2008 doug nelson died due to ethanol glycol poisoning. His wife said he accidentally drank some antifreeze when he had gotten up during the night.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Macin SmithAge
17Cause of Death
Macin was last seen on 9/1/2015 before he left for school. Macin was believed to be wearing basketball shorts with a t-shirt.He may still be in the local area or he may travel to las vegas, nevada.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Maren CarlsonAge
Cause of Death
On 11/12/2021 the west valley city police department responded to an address on a reported woman held against her will for numerous days. The woman was able to escape capture after 11 days of captivity. The suspect, barricaded himself and shot several times at officers. Eventually the suspect was taken into custody. After interviewing the captured victim it was reported an elderly female, maren carlson, was brutally murdered and her body was dumped somewhere. Through the investigation evidence was collected that corroborated the witness claim that maren was brutally murdered at the scene and her body has not been discovered.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Mark JhonstonAge
30Cause of Death
Mark was last seen at work on 10/11/2016. It is believed that he accessed his bank account on 10/12/2016. He left his computer, cell phone, identification, and additional personal items at home. He was last known wearing grey dress pants and had a blue and grey striped shirt on. He has a scar on his left knee and has had his appendix removed.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Marlene PichuskieAge
28Cause of Death
Marlene has been missing since june 1986. She has a scar on her left cheek, curly hair and has used the name marlene cummings.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Martin SmithAge
54Cause of Death
On 4/2/2018 a report was filed on martin andrew smith from california as missing. He was camping in a dry wash off the hole in the rock road. His belongings had been there for a long time. His vehicle a 1994 honda was taken and camp still put together. Last receipt was for november 27, 2017. Some more of martin’s belongings were turned in including 2 guns and ammunition in a canvas bag.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Mary MillerAge
Cause of Death
Mary was last seen by her daughter in provo. Her car was located at the face of timpanogas. Her vehicle was stuck. If you have any information contact the utah county sheriff.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Mathew BronchoAge
35Cause of Death
Mathew broncho went missing from snowville, utah box elder county on march 24, 2019. It is believed that he has become transient and may be hanging with groups in the homeless community. It is also possible he may have settled on another reservation with an outside native tribe.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Michael SheftellAge
62Cause of Death
Michael’s jeep was found overturned on 6/11/16. He was found walking along anticline overlook rd. Michael was picked by a couple who took him back to his campsite. He was then last seen walking towards trail 38c.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Michael MarshAge
17Cause of Death
Michael was last seen on february 21, 2006. Michael may travel to california. He may wear glasses.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Michael ReeseAge
14Cause of Death
Lloyd and 21 year old david jaramillo were last seen at east canyon reservoir when they were separated from other friends during the day. Lloyd has not been seen since. He has extremely bright white teeth, bright green eyes and braces on both top and bottom teeth. He has a mole on his right cheek and a scar on his upper right arm.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Michael GustaAge
58Cause of Death
Michael gusta has not been seen or heard from since approximately september 27, 2018.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Rebbeca WhiteAge
53Cause of Death
Rebecca white went missing the summer of 2012. She has a tattoo of a “chain” around her right ankle and a tattoo on her abdomen. She also has pierced ears. Rebecca might use the last names “fasthorse” or “runninghorse”Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Richard BillmayerAge
58Cause of Death
On march 2008, it was reported to the ogden city police department that richard roy billmayer was a missing person. Ogden city police investigators contacted billmayer’s family and they said they have not had contact with him since 1997. On 11/24/2015, the ogden city police department validated richard roy billmayer as a missing person.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Richelle CarvalhoAge
44Cause of Death
Richelle was reported a missing person when the family tried to contact her to let her know of her mothers failing health. There has been no contact with her.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Robby PeayAge
27Cause of Death
Robby ran from a juvenile treatment center.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Roberto LunaAge
Cause of Death
Roberto filed a report with the west valley police in december of 2018. In january 2019 when officers went to follow up with him, family told police that roberto had not been seen since shortly after filing the police report. Family believe that his disappearance was due to foul play and officers have not been able to locate robeAgency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Ronald DruceAge
38Cause of Death
Ronald druce was last heard from on 5/20/2000. He left a message to his brother that he was going to go visit him. He was never seen or heard from after that. Any information contact the west valley police.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Ruby BosenAge
Cause of Death
At about 3 p.M. On july 29, 1955, a small aluminum boat containing five people capsized on moon lake, duchesne county, while their trawling gear got caught in the motor. The boat was equipped with two motors: one at the back and one on the side. Witnesses said both motors were going, and the boat was swinging in circles before it overturned. Two people were rescued, but calvin wayne bosen, his wife ruby mae (simons) bosen, and her brother clarence simons were presumed drowned. Depths at that part of the lake were about 115 to 125 feet deep. Despite a large search operation and searches two years later, their bodies were never recovered.”Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Ruth JimenezAge
34Cause of Death
Ruth disappeared under suspicious circumstances on july 1,1999. She has had dental work done to 2 of her upper front teeth with visible silver around the edges. She wears 4 earrings in each ear. Spanish speaking onlyAgency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Sarah SnowAge
45Cause of Death
On the morning of september 13th, 1953 sarah told her mother, who was helping with the kids, that she was going to get some supplies she would need for dinner. She never returned. Her car and shoes were found at the mouth of hobble creek canyon within a couple days. There were search parties involved, but sarah was never found.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Jean MuirAge
79Cause of Death
Jean was planning on going to utah county with her sister on december 26, 1985. She spoke with her sister on the telephone about 12:30pm, but when the sister arrived at 1:00pm to pick jean up, she was found inside her home murdered. Jean’s car was missing from the driveway, but located a few days later several miles away parked behind a business.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety