Anaconda, MT Area Cold Cases

Raymond StubblefieldAge
34Cause of Death
Raymond stubblefield was last seen in meeker, colorado on july 3, 1983. He went fishing in circle park with a friend and failed to return. Mr. Stubblefield's friend was found highly intoxicated near the river. He was unable to report mr. Stubblefield's whereabouts. It is possible that he may have drowned in the white river in that area. He was last seen wearing a beige shirt printed with a bull's head and the words "Dorrei bro's band", blue levi's jeans, blue and gray tennis shoes with red stripes, and a brown baseball cap with the letters "Eico". He has not been seen since. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the meeker police department.Agency
Meeker Police Department
Marie BleeAge
15Cause of Death
15 year old marie blee was last seen on november 21, 1979 at a party at the shadow mountain village mobile home park. Blee told a friend that she had a ride home with an unidentified driver during the early morning hours. She has never been heard from again. She was last seen wearing a purple collared v-neck top, a brown velvet vest, jeans, and a leather rope necklace. (first two photos are at 15 years old, the third photo is age-progressed to 45 years). Marie was a member of the leech lake band of ojibwe tribe. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the routt county sheriff's office.Agency
Moffat County Sheriff's Office
Sheila SawyerAge
32Cause of Death
Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the moffat county sheriff's office.Agency
Moffat County Sheriff's Office
Alejandro Quinones-ZapaicoAge
41Cause of Death
On june 3, 2001, 41 year old alejandro quinones-zapaico was last seen at during the morning hours at his place of employment in the vicinity of the 1900 block of county rd. 36 in meeker, co. He indicated he was headed home but has not been heard from since. The circumstances in this case remain unknown. Mr. Quinones-zapaico left his personal belongings, money, and vehicle behind. He is believed to be in the rifle, colorado area with two hispanic males. Anyone with additional information is encouraged to contact the rio blanco county sheriff's office.Agency
Rio Blanco County Sheriff's Office
John SimonsAge
61Cause of Death
On july 25, 2014, mr. Simons left for a camping trip and has not been seen since. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the craig police department.Agency
Craig Police Department
Stephanie EldridgeAge
21Cause of Death
October 2020: kenneth jones, 32, pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and concealment, and alteration or destruction of evidence on october 29, 2020. Jones admitted that he got into a fight with eldredge, pushed her, and she hit her head, leading to her death. In his panic, jones hid her body and lied to officers. Anyone who has any information about this case, the identity, or location of the suspect(s) is asked to contact the idaho falls police department at 208-529-1200Agency
Idaho Falls Police Department
Julianne StallmanAge
41Cause of Death
Butte Silver Bow Police Department
Marsha HelgesonAge
21Cause of Death
The body of this 21 year old billings woman was found in the moming hours of september 9th, 1978 on alkali creek road in the billings heights. The victim frequented the old 17 club and other bars and was last seen at the old sambo's restaurant on first avenue north. Several suspects were questioned during the investigation but no arrests were made.Agency
YellowStone County
Corina ContrerazAge
16Cause of Death
This young 16 year old southside billings girl's body was found near the pryor creek & 1-90 interchange where pryor creek road inter-sects with indian creek road. Numerous suspects were identified during the course of the original investigation.Agency
YellowStone County
George HeinrichAge
58Cause of Death
This double homicide was one of the most high profile murders in the county's history. 58 year old george heinrich and 42 year old marlene mazzola had been dating for approximately a month before they were found murdered heinrich's home on highway 312 east of billings. Heinrich was a local business man who bought and sold cattle. Mazzola was a district manager for avon products in the billings area. The bodies were discovered by heinrich's adopted daughter.Agency
YellowStone County
Marlene MazzolaAge
42Cause of Death
This double homicide was one of the most high profile murders in the county's history. 58 year old george heinrich and 42 year old marlene mazzola had been dating for approximately a month before they were found murdered heinrich's home on highway 312 east of billings. Heinrich was a local business man who bought and sold cattle. Mazzola was a district manager for avon products in the billings area. The bodies were discovered by heinrich's adopted daughter.Agency
YellowStone County
Ben BumsAge
Cause of Death
Homicide victim ben bums body was found near 1-94 on prior creek road, just 200 yards south of the huntley interchange. Bums had been hitchhiking from northwestem montana to his home in forsyth. According to reports, less than a half hour passed between the time pryor creek residents heard gunfire at around 12:30am and passing motorists found the young man's body.Agency
YellowStone County
Judy HattenAge
48Cause of Death
The body of 48 year old judy hatten was found by her boyfriend in her home at 1030 12th avenue in laurel on the morning of march 11, 1995. Hatten was beaten to death. She had no known enemies and no motive for the crime has been established. In 2012, the laurel police department tumed the case over to the yellowstone county sheriff's office cold case unit for further investigation.Agency
YellowStone County
Jeannette AtwaterAge
Cause of Death
Shortly after 3:30am on the morning of january 16, 2000, firefighters were called to the scene of a car fire near a pull-off area on bench blvd. In billings heights. When firefighters opened the trunk of the burning car they discovered a body, later identified as jeanette atwater. The previous evening, this attractive young billings woman, and the mother of three small children had attended an office party with several co-workers from the napa store where she worked. The major clue in this case is video from the cenex convenience store located near the crime scene. The store's video monitoring system recorded a male, approximately 5'8" in height, wearing a dark coat and pants. The suspect got into an older model compact car...Possibly brown in color with an orange stripe on the side. Drawings of the suspect and vehicle were made and circulated. To-date, no arrests have been made.Agency
YellowStone County
Acacia BishopAge
19Cause of Death
Acacia was last seen wearing a pink sundress with white sunflowers. Both of her ears are pierced and she has a tennis ball-sized birthmark on her lower left abdomen. Acacia patience bishop was kidnapped from her great-grandmother’s home in salt lake city, utah on may 25, 2003 by her mentally ill grandmother. Acacia bishop was last seen at 6 p.M. That day. The grand mother claims she drowned the baby in the snake river in a failed suicide/homicide attempt.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Adam BrixeyAge
Cause of Death
The complainant said adam brixey worked with his dad as they prepared an abandoned building at 26th street and adams avenue in ogden for demolition. Officers were told adam would return with a friend to the building after hours and they would look for metal and copper they could sell. On approximately september 20, 2015, adam never returned from the building. Officers were told the friend said adam left the building on his own while they were searching for copper in the building. The abandoned building was searched, but adam was not found. The building has since been demolished, and a new building has been built on the site. There has been no activity on adam brixey’s social security number, and his last known records show that he was in ogden. Ogden police are asking for any information to help in this case.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Aletha WilliamsAge
Cause of Death
Aletha was last seen on the corner of 1700 south and west temple in salt lake city, utah. She dropped off her belongings at a family member’s residence and indicated she would return later. Aletha has a medical condition. She has a tattoo of the name “shawn” on her wrist, pierced ears, pierced tongue, six months pregnant at time of disappearanceAgency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Andrei CampanaAge
Cause of Death
On 11/12/2017, andrei campana left his home at 1:35 p.M., and his car was found around 3:00 p.M. That same day at the mueller park entrance. Campana was last seen wearing a blue fleece pullover, a black north face jacket, and khaki pants. He may be wearing hiking boots, which are keen brand size 10.Campana has work experience in retail, pharmacy, and freelance photography. He graduated from salt lake community college and utah state university. His case remains unsolved.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Angelica Quntana-CarrilloAge
Cause of Death
Angelica quintana-carrillo was last seen on march 7, 2019 in the area of hill field road and antelope drive in layton, utahAgency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Angelina TomasAge
Cause of Death
Angelina left home after her parents were deported. She was last known to be living in oregon with family. Reports suggest she is doing well but there has been no contact with her to verify this information.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Angelo MartinezAge
Cause of Death
On 6/25/2020, a family member reported that angelo martinez has not been seen or heard from since august 2017. On 8/21/2017 angelo came to the family members house in ogden, utah to visit. Angelo left the house on foot not to be seen or heard from by family members again. Angelo has multiple tattoos that are readily recognizable.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Anne ElliottAge
Cause of Death
Anne’s family last spoke to her in january 2020. But had been seen in salt lake city in april 2020. She has not made contact with her family via phone or facebook, which is out of character for her. Her family is concerned for her welfare.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Ayyub PughAge
Cause of Death
Ayyub pugh was residing with family at an address in layton utah. He walked away from the address and has not been seen or heard from since 2010. Ayyub has been in new york and florida prior to residing in utah. Ayyub is a mental health patient and may possibly seek or be involuntarily committed to mental health facilities. Last known wearing beige shirt and dress pants. He was carrying a bible.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Bobbi CampbellAge
Cause of Death
Bobbi was last seen leaving her home on january 7, 1995 to go to the store. She left her child at home and has had no contact with her family since. She has a 2-inch scar on her right shoulder and several tattoos. A tattoo of a rose on her left calf, mushroom and sunbeam on her right leg. If you have any information on her disappearance, please contact the unified police of greater salt lake at 801-743-7000.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Brenda GomezAge
Cause of Death
Brenda may be in the company of her father and they may have traveled to mexico.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Carlos Gil-RiosAge
52Cause of Death
On 07/15/2021, the complainant called the ogden city police department to report her adult brother, 52-year-old carlos rios, had left on monday morning (07/12/2021) to board a train to california. Carlos was supposed to meet family in oakland but never arrived. Carlos’ phone has been shut off, and no one has been able to contact him. Carlos’ whereabouts are unknown at this time. Officers were told carlos does not have any disabilities, and it is strange that he would disappear and not have contact with family members. Officers attempted to contact carlos on his cell phone, but the call would not go through, and they were unable to leave a voicemail. Officers sent out an attempt to locate the weber county agencies listing carlos as an overdue person. Carlos gil-rios was verified as a missing person on 10/30/2023. There have been no law enforcement contacts with him, and he has entered ncic.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Charles EdmondsAge
Cause of Death
Charles edmonds was last seen on august 22, 1995. He was last known to be wearing a white baseball cap, leaf green jacket with tan sleeves (name was on coat), blue “marlboro” shirt, blue levis, brown belt and was wearing high-tec boots. He had scars on both his knees. There has been no contact with family and/or friends since his dissapearance. Photo was taken in 1994. Any information on daniel, please contact the salem police department (801) 423-2770Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Cornelis BokslagAge
Cause of Death
Cornelis (casey) bokslag last spoke to his family on monday june 6, 2022. He did not show up for work which his family says is not like him. Casey’s vehicle was found abandoned with not plates in summit county on june 8, 2022. The area was searched and casey nor any of his personal belongings were found.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Cruz FrancoAge
Cause of Death
Missing person went to work and never returned home.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Curtis CrosbyAge
Cause of Death
Crosby was last seen in salt lake city, utah in october 2014. The police had found him camping in an unoccupied building in millcreek. The next day, the building manager called the police to say crosby was gone but had left his belongings behind.It’s unclear why he was living in the building, as he had an apartment of his own just five blocks away, in the 100 block of east helm avenue. May seem disorientated. Wandered from established residence. Believed to have perhaps some sort of memory loss. Last seen with tan pants and a black hoodie and was barefoot. He has medium length hair, slicked back, and partially balding and may have a mustache or beard. His family lived out of state. They reported him missing in december, after he didn’t get in touch with them over the holidays.Crosby had been evacuated from new orleans, louisiana to utah after hurricane katrina, and he was well-known in the community for his advocacy efforts with other hurricane katrina evacuees and homeless people. He may be living among the homeless population and may not be carrying any identification with him. His case remains unsolved.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Damian Garcia-HerreraAge
Cause of Death
On 12/19/2017, damian garcia-herrera was reported as a runaway from an ogden location. He was last observed at the ogden uta parking lot. Damian was verified as a missing person on 3/26/2024. There have been no law enforcement contacts with him, and he is entered into ncic.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Daniel ScottAge
Cause of Death
Daniel leon scott was reported missing on march 7th, 2020 by his mother, shirley. She told police daniel was last seen on january 1st, 1997 at 8am, walking away from their apartment while talking to an unknown female. The female was described as 5’3 to 5’4, approximately 21 years old and 110 pounds with long dark hair. Daniel has not been seen or heard from since.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
David JaramilloAge
14Cause of Death
David and 14 year old friend lloyd reese were last seen at east canyon reservoir when they were separated from other friends. David has not been seen since. He has a chipped front tooth and an unknown tattoo on his right hand. If you have any information.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Deane BrownAge
Cause of Death
Duane was last seen being dropped off at a parking lot located at 348 east south temple on the night of october 23, 1986. He has not been seen since. He was last seen wearing a light blue business suit. Dna is available.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Debra FrostAge
Cause of Death
Debra was last seen at mountain bell plaza at 10:00pm on july 9, 1984. She was going to walk or hitchhike to montgomery street but never arrived. She has not been seen or heard from since. She has a burn scar on her left calf, a scar on her nose, freckles and pierced ears and was last seen wearing a black tube-top with white fishnet over it, long blue corduroy pants and blue tennis shoes. If you have any information on the disappearance of debra, please contact the salt lake city police department at (801) 799-3560Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Dennis SmithAge
Cause of Death
Dennis smith regularly traveled between hawaii and utah. He was last seen at port o call nightclub in salt lake city. His vehicle was located at a local hotel in 1994 yet the hotel had no record of dennis smith as a customer. Nothing in the vehicle provided any information about where he was.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Douglas BrickAge
Cause of Death
Douglas brick was last seen friday, october 12, 1973 leaving his austin hall dorm on the university of utah campus. University of utah police and salt lake county search and rescue conducted searches in the foothills behind the university between the block u and emigration canyon with no results.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Douglas PlummerAge
Cause of Death
Douglas was last seen on 1/17/2001 at his place of employment in salt lake city. He lives in taylorsville, utah. He is blind in his left eye and wears glasses. He does not drive therefore relying on the bus system. He may be in the ephraim or mt. Pleasant, utah area. If you have seen douglas, please contactAgency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Dwayne DuttonAge
Cause of Death
April 18, 2007 dwayne’s purple dodge durango was found around squaw peak in provo canyon. The vehicle was locked. Nothing suspicious was found. Dwayne might of been living out of his car. Utah county search and rescue searched squaw peak and provo canyon with a plane and hikers, no leads were found.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Edgar Mendez-RamirezAge
Cause of Death
Edgar was last seen on november 17, 2020 at his residence located in salt lake city. Edgar is originally from guatemala and speaks mayan and spanish. He is not familiar with the salt lake city area. Edgar is known to wear the pennywise flat brim hat and may be wearing a black leather jacket.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Ellsworth MielkeAge
33Cause of Death
In september 1947, police started a search for truck driver ellsworth wilson mielke, age 33, of salt lake city. His abandoned truck was found parked at the lagoon resort 18 miles north of salt lake city. According to resort attendants, it had been abandoned for some time. When police tracked down the car’s registration, they spoke to ellsworth’s wife. She reported that he had been missing since august 25th, 1947. Ellsworth drove the large truck to tremonton on august 17th and returned to salt lake city on august 25th to his employer, the gould gasoline transportation company. Around 11 am to noon, ellsworth told his boss that he felt ill and was told to go home. He never made it home and was never seen again. A cap and his lunch bucket were found in the abandoned vehicle, and the keys were still in the ignition. His wife said ellsworth, a father of three, was not depressed, but his back sometimes bothered him, and he had experienced blackout spells in the past(though he hadn’t had one in some time).Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Emerson FarnsworthAge
Cause of Death
Emmett farnsworth went missing from price, ut on july 6, 1967. His sister reported that her brother was in price on july 4, 1967 and left for duchesne county where he had been living in a trailer. He was a construction worker by trade. Report was received that mr. Farnsworth’s car had been found burned near waldon, co with license plates and registration identification removed.A sheepherder reported finding a body about five miles north of granby, co. The sheepherder was unfamiliar with the country and has not been able to lead officers back to where he had seen the body. Authorities said the body might be that of emerson farnsworth, of duchesne, ut missing since july 6, 1967.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Erlin ContrerasAge
Cause of Death
Erlin was in states custody when he ran away. His family family lives in honduras. It is believed he may have traveled there. Contact the south salt lake police.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Esther Rodriguez-RojasAge
Cause of Death
On 06/07/2022 esther was reported missing out of west valley city. Esther did not leave on suspicious circumstances and is believed to be with a boyfriend. Esther has ran away multiple times prior to this last time. All communications have been lost with esther at this time. No known social media accounts have been discovered as of this writing.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety
Eva Rodriguez-FloresAge
17Cause of Death
Eva was last seen on 07/16/2022 in west valley city, ut. Eva’s mother and sister live in honduras, and frequently text and speak with her. Eva took money and left a note stating that she was going to honduras.Agency
Utah Department of Public Safety